Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

neruda gets it

Love is so short, forgetting is so long.  
--From Tonight I Can Write...
Photo from Woody Allen's Manhattan  

I read this poem today and it felt too real. I love the way that dissecting poems is so similar to the way we all look at past relationships.  In relationships we unpack every little moment to come to some sort of understanding of where everything went so wrong. I don't think anyone ever really figures that out.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

language is seductive

Lately I've been getting really into appreciating the beauty of language. Sometimes when I read I find passages that make me fall right into the text and I become absorbed by the language.  This passage from Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson did that for me.

When she lifted the soup spoon to her lips how I longed to be that innocent piece of stainless steel. I would gladly have traded the blood in my body for half a pint of vegetable stock. Let me be diced carrot, vermicelli, just so that you will take me in your mouth. I envied the French stick. I watched her break and butter each piece, soak it slowly in her bowl, let it float, grow heavy and fat, sink under the deep red weight and then be resurrected to the glorious pleasure of her teeth. 
The potatoes, the celery, the tomatoes, all had been under her hands. When I ate my own soup I strained to taste her skin. She had been here, there must be something of her left. I would find her in the oil and onions, detect her through the garlic. I knew that she spat in the frying pan to determine the readiness of the oil. . . I will taste you if only through your cooking. 

photo by Chad Pitman


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

some amazing women

Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot.  Such beauties.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

trying to get back in a blogging state of mind

There were a number of things keeping me from posting lately but I have decided that I need to reignite my passion for fashion--how cute, it rhymes.

all photos found in vra magazine 


Sunday, July 3, 2011


I've recently discovered my love of androgyny.  There is something so mysteriously sexy about androgynous women. My all time favorite these days is actress Kate Moennig.  Her character on The L Word--Shane Mccutcheon--has mesmerized me.  Below are some of my favorite shots of Kate.


Friday, May 27, 2011

funky hair

It has been far too long since I've done a post about hair.  I'm obsessed.  Yesterday I added purple and orange to the already crazy red messy mop on my head and so today I thought I'd post some of my favorite hair trends to date.

big, messy, in your face up-dos 

a long, classic braid

red red red!

a sassy short cut

sexy side pony 

funky color streaks

a big rockstar mess of hair

 From Top: Interview Mag, Unknown, Lina di Moda, Malabar, Kathryna Hancock, Fashion Gone Rouge (2), Flare, Studded Hearts, Unknown (3)


Thursday, May 19, 2011